1. Althen Controls
  2. Drehwinkelaufnehmer & Positionssensoren
  3. Drehwinkelaufnehmer & Drehwinkelsensoren
  4. Drehzähler-Potentiometer
  5. MA Turns-counting Dials Potentiometer

MA Turns-counting Dials Potentiometer

Turns-counting Dials Potentiometer with Analog-Readout


  • Read-out: Analog
  • Outer dimensions (mm): 54
  • Max. Number of turns-counting: 3, 5, 10, 15, 20
  • Macthing shaft dia. (mm): 6, 6.35
  • Lock device: No

About the MA Turns-counting Dials Potentiometer

The MA is available in special graduations and is always supplied with a potentiometer.

Turns-counting dials Potentiometers are designed for use with Helicalohm Potentiometers and multi-turn potentiometers. They have a elegant appearance and rigid construction offering an easy reading, smooth rotation and accurate counting. 

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Technische Spezifikationen

Spezifikationen Wert
Special: 6.35
Combinable helicalohm pot. (matching shaft length of 18.5mm) 25HP 46HD
Lock device No
Mass (approx. g) 90
Matching shaft dia. (mm) Standard: 6
Max. number of turns-counting 3, 5, 10, 15, 20
Model no MAn-55
Operating temp. range -55ºC ~ + 105ºC