1. Althen Controls
  2. Erdungssystem
  3. Erdungssystem für Propellerwellen
  4. Produkte für Erdungssysteme
  5. 8047A Propeller Shaft Earthing Set

8047A Propeller Shaft Earthing Set

Complete set for propeller shaft earthing set

Complete set for Propeller Shaft Earthing Set

Protect propulsion machinery, cut maintenance expenses with our top-tier Propeller Shaft Earthing Set. Vital for global ships, backed by 50 years of expertise, trusted by shipbuilders worldwide.

Propeller Shaft Earthing Set

To efficiently channel electrical current from the propeller shaft to the ship's hull, our Propeller Shaft Earthing Set (PSE) features low-resistance components. The core is a copper slipring with solid silver inlay, easily mounted with stainless steel clamping bands and dedicated connectors. It includes a brush holder with two silver/graphite brushes ensuring optimal electrical continuity, lowering total ownership costs. Optionally, a monitoring set can be installed in the engine room to visualize potential differences between the shaft and hull.

Parts list of the 8047A Propeller Shaft Earthing Set

  • 1x SE2100045-1 Copper/silver spliring
  • 1x SE2100045-2 Shaft earthing brushholder
  • 2x SE2400081 Earthing brush
  • 1x SE2100045-4 clamping bamd

For more information about the installation of the Propeller Shaft Earting System download the user manual with instructions and technical drawings.

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