1. Althen Controls
  2. Erdungssystem
  3. Erdungssystem für Propellerwellen
  4. Produkte für Erdungssysteme
  5. SE2400081 Earthing brush Propeller Shaft Earthing

SE2400081 Earthing brush Propeller Shaft Earthing

Brushes for propeller shaft system - 80% silver and 20% graphite. 


  • Brushes for propeller shaft system - 80% silver and 20% graphite.

The monitoring brushholder is insulated from the ship’s structure by means of a insulating bush which is supplied with the brushholder. The brushholder for the monitoring brush must be mounted on a Ø12mm rod which is welded or bolted to the ship’s structure. This rod, as well as a 4mm2 cable, should be supplied by the shipyard. The brushholder has a fixed spring that provides the right amount of pressure on the monitoring brush. 

Please refer to the following instructions for mounting of the monitoring brushholder and brush: 

1. Put the monitoring brush in the brushholder and connect the cable lug to one of the small bolts on top of the brushholder. 

2. Shift the brushholder over the Ø12mm rod. Make sure the insulating bush that is supplied with the monitoring brushholder is in its position. 

3. Align the brushholder in such a way that the brush may run over the center of the silver inlay on the copper slipring. 

4. Tighten the small bolt on the side of the brushholder so the brushholder cannot move. 

5. Connect one end of a 4mm2 cable to the other small bolt on top of the brushholder. 

6. Connect the other end of the 4mm2 cable to the P(+)-terminal inside the monitoring unit.

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