1. Althen Controls
  2. Joysticks-et-potentiometres-industriels
  3. Pèdales Industrielles
  4. Pédales industrielles
  5. 200FCW Industrial Footpedal

200FCW Industrial Footpedal

Wig-wag industrial footpedal with incorporated potentiometer and a conductive plastic element

Caractéristiques principales

  • Stepping see-saw pedal type
  • IP54
  • Potentiometer
  • Conductive plastic

About the 200FCW Industrial Footpedal

Wig-wag industrial footpedal with incorporated potentiometer and with a conductive plastic resistive element

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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
Ceneter returning accuracy 50% v1.5%
Contact resistance variation Below 5% C.R.V.
Dielectric strength 1 minute at 500V.A.C.
Electrical rotating angle Approx. 75° Center shortened zone: With a shortened zone with abt. 8° in the center position
Insulation resistance Over 1.000MΩ at 500VDC
Life expectancy Approx. 1.000.000 operations
Mass Approx. 1.5kg
Operating angle Approx. ±11°
Operating force Standard spring return device: Automatically return to center. Abt. 20N(Abt. 2.000gf.)
Operating method Stepping see-saw pedal type
Operating temperature range -20°C~+65°C
Output smoothness Below 0.2% against input voltage
Potentiometer incorporated SFCP22E, 10kΩ ±20%, 0.35W, independent linearity tolerance ±3% (conductive plsatic resistive element)
Resolution Essentially infinite
Shock 294m/s²
Vibration 10~55Hz 98m/s²