1. Althen Controls
  2. Systèmes de Mise à la Terre
  3. Systèmes de Mise à la Terre d'arbre d'hélice
  4. Produits pour systèmes de mise à la terre
  5. SE2100045-2 Earthing Brushholder

SE2100045-2 Earthing Brushholder

Double balancing earthing brushholder with pressure setting

Caractéristiques principales

  • Brushholder is part of Propeller Shaft Earthing System
  • Double balancing
  • Pressure setting

Double balancing earthing brushholder with pressure setting (SE2100045-2)

We specialize in manufacturing and distributing Propeller Shaft Earthing Systems for seagoing vessels worldwide. With over five decades of expertise in this field, we have developed a proven and finely tuned system that has garnered recognition from numerous companies within the shipbuilding industry.

Our Propeller Shaft Earthing Systems not only mitigate early maintenance expenses related to ship propeller shaft bearings but also offer real-time monitoring of the electrical potential variance between the rotating shaft and the vessel's hull. This monitoring capability provides valuable insights into the condition of the shaft earthing setup.

One essential component of our Propeller Shaft Earthing System is the SE2100045-2 Earthing Brushholder.

For detailed guidance on installing our Propeller Shaft Earthing System, please refer to the user manual, which includes comprehensive instructions and technical drawings.

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Datasheet Voir le produit