Systèmes de mise à la terre de l'arbre d'hélice

Monitoring Brush for Propeller Shart Earthing set.
It is absolutely necessary to electrically ground the ship's propeller shaft to the hull. Because a rotating propeller generates a voltage potential difference between the shaft and the hull, which in time will case damage to the propeller and the bearings.
This voltage potential difference is generated because of the lubricating oil films in bearings and non-metallic materials resulting in electrical isolation of the shaft. The heavy electrical current flowing through the bearings and gearbox to the hull will be minimized by our earthing system, in order to prevent corrosion and damage.
The system is optimized by using silver graphite brushes with high silver composition and double brush holdersfor optimal contact an lowest resistance.
The SE2400084-1 Monitoring Unit is part of the Propeller Shaft Earthing Monitoring Set.
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