1. Althen Controls
  2. Imprint


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The althencontrols.com website consists of own and third-party editorial content. With regard to its own editorial content, althencontrols.com is responsible for the content within the scope of the liability limitations of our general terms and conditions. With regard to the editorial content provided to us by partners, no guarantee is given for its correctness and any liability is excluded. With regard to third-party content to which links exist, we expressly distance ourselves from the content of these websites in accordance with the judgement of the Hamburg Regional Court of 12 May 1998. The following applies to all links: althencontrols.com has no influence on the content and design of the linked pages. The use of links that lead to pages outside althencontrols.com is at the user's own risk.


The layout of the homepage, the graphics and images used as well as the the collection of contributions are protected by copyright. The pages may only be reproduced for private use, changes may not be and reproductions may not be distributed without authorisation. The individual contributions are also protected by copyright. llustrations: www.Bigstock.com and https://stock.adobe.com.


ALTHEN BV Sensors & Controls
Verrijn Stuartlaan 40
2288 EL Rijswijk
The Netherlands

Telephone +31 (0) 70392 44 21
Fax +31 (0) 70 364 42 49
Email: sales@althen.nl

Chamber of Commerce 2718 8474
VAT NL 808883240B01
IBAN NL90 RABO 0157 6344 93
NEN-EN-ISO 9001 certified