1. Althen Controls
  2. Industrial-joysticks-and-position-feedback-sensors
  3. Industrial joysticks
  4. ATEX joysticks

ATEX joysticks


ATEX joysticks Mini joysticks Finger joysticks Hand joysticks Multi-operational cobra joysticks Marine joysticks
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What are ATEX Joysticks & IECEx Joysticks?

The ATEX Directive is an EU directive that applies to electrical machinery and components, among other things. When the atmosphere contains flammable or combustible gases, vapor, mists or dust, an electrical spark can lead to dangerous explosions. To ensure that electrical equipment does not cause such an explosion, ATEX equipment must be designed, tested and certified to European safety standards.

The electrical components that form the basic functions of a joystick are potentiometers and switches. An ATEX joystick has one or more potentiometers and/or switches that are ATEX certified. This ensures that an ATEX joystick can be used safely in hazardous environments, such as oil rigs, mining and chemical plants. Whereas The ATEX Directive was created to prevent explosions-certification is only valid in EU countries, IECEx certification is approved internationally. An IECEx joystick has one or more potentiometers and/or switches that are IECEx certified. Therefore, the IECEx joystick can be installed in hazardous environments around the world.