1. Althen Controls
  2. Industriele-joystick-controllers
  3. Industriële joysticks
  4. Maritime & Offshore joysticks
  5. S50JAK-ZU-33G Maritieme Joystick

S50JAK-ZU-33G Maritieme Joystick

Dynamische positioneringsjoystick in een aluminium behuizing

Belangrijkste kenmerken

  • 3 axis dynamic positioning joystick
  • In aluminium enclosure
  • EMC tested and certified
  • Small size & easy mountable

About the S50JAK-ZU-33G Marine Joystick

This 3 axis dynamic positioning joystick is built into an aluminium enclosure. The enclosure can easily be mounted from the bottom of a dashboard, in this way only the joystick handle will be visible. Because of its small size it is possible to integrate this high performance joystick controller in ergonomic dashboard of propulsion systems. The joystick controller is EMC tested and certified and is therefore compliant with the marine regulations and requirements.

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Technische specificaties

Specificaties Waarde
Controlling range of operating lever 2-dimensional coordinate type: Omni-directionally approx. ±30°~±35° operation from center position
Life expectancy Approx. 5.000.000 operations
Mass Approx. 350g
Operating force Standard spring return device: Automatically return to center (omni-directional type) Approx. 3~15N (300~1,500gf.)
Operating temperature range -20°C~+65°C
Shock 294m/s²
Vibration 10~55Hz 98m/s²

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