1. Althen Controls
  2. Joystick-controllers-potentiometers
  3. Joystick-controllers-potentiometers/industriele-joysticks
  4. Joystick-controllers-potentiometers/industriele-joysticks/atex-joysticks
  5. 90JAM-ex ATEX Hand Joystick

90JAM-ex ATEX Hand Joystick

Grote handjoystick met ATEX/IECEx gecertificeerde componenten

Belangrijkste kenmerken

  • High quality joystick
  • With ATEX components
  • 1,2,3 AXIS
  • Potentiometer and/or switches
  • Many options available
  • Robust and compact design

About the 90JAM-ex ATEX Joystick 

Our improved ATEX joysticks are very flexible and can be customized. You can choose between a 1-, 2- or 3-axis joystick and two different sizes. Proportional signals are archived by the conductive plastic potentiometers. There are two versions available: the one with only switches or a joystick with the combination of potentiometers as well as switches. From this day on, the potentiometers and switches used on the ATEX joysticks are IECEX approved. For the redesigned potentiometers an improved resistance element is used, which increases the life time up to 5.000.000 movements! It comes with a 4-wire connection instead of 3-wire, which makes it more flexible for different electrical connections. The potentiometers are now activated by a direct mount, the previous gearbox has disappeared. This results into a smoother movement of the joystick, therefore the operator has better control and accuracy.

The90JAM-ex ATEX joystick is based on the standard 90JAM joystick.

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Technische specificaties

Specificaties Waarde
3-dimensional coordinate type: Approx. ±45°~±50° operation from center position of knob in addition to the operating range of 2-dimensional coordinate type
Controlling range of operating lever 2-dimensional coordinate type: Approx. ±22°~±26° omni-direction from center position
Life expectancy Approx. 5.000.000 operations
Mass 2-dimensional coordinate type: Approx. 650g | 3-dimensional coordinate type: Approx. 750g
Operating force Standard spring return device: Automatically return to center. X, Y directions: Approx. 2~12N(200~1.200gf) Z direction: Approx. 20~85mN•m(200~850gf•cm)
Operating temperature range -20°C~+65°C
Shock 294m/s²
Vibration 10~55Hz 98m/s²