1. Althen Controls
  2. Industriella-joysticks-och-positionsaterkopplingssensorer
  3. Industriella joysticks
  4. Multi-operativa cobra joysticks
  5. HMC60JH Multifunktions Cobra Joystick

HMC60JH Multifunktions Cobra Joystick

Handstorleks joystick med multifunktions-handtag


  • Multi-axis
  • Potentiometer incorporated type
  • Protection IP40
  • For multi-functional control with compact sized cobra shaped knob

About the Multi-operational Cobra Joystick HMC60JH

Joystick controller with the mini-cobra shaped knob, which is the down sized version of our cobra shaped knob. The dead-man switch is available on the knob for safety design.

Applications for HCM60JH

  • Robot operations
  • Crane operations
  • Industrial vehicles
  • Civil engineering and construction machinery

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Tekniska specifikationer

Specifikation Värde
Dual output type: Approx. 30g
Applied voltage D.C. 5V±10%
Dielectric strength 1 minute at A.C. 500V
Dielectric strength 1 minute at AC 1.000V
Dielectric strength 1 minute at AC 500V
Effective output 0.5V~4.5V
Electrical rotating angle Approx. ±15°(approx. 30°)
Ems durability 100V/m (80Mhz~1GHz 1kHz sine-wave 80%AM modulation)
Esd durability ±8kV contact ±15kV aerial discharge (Based on IEC61000-4-2)
Independent linearity tolerance ±3%FS
Insulation resistance Over 1.000MΩ at DC 500V
Insulation resistance Over 1000MΩ at 500VDC
Insulation resistance Over 100MΩ at 500VDC
Load resistance Over 10kΩ
Mass Single output type: Approx. 25g
Mechanical life Approx. 5.000.000 operations
Mechanical life expectancy Max 500.000 operations
Mechanical life expectancy Max. 300.000 operations
Models Single output, parallel output, cross output
Operating characteristics Momentary type (SW-ON when pushed)
Operating characteristics Momentary type (SW-ON when pushed)
Operating temperature range -20°C~+60°C
Rating 100mA, 12VDC
Rating 100mA, 50VDC
Shock 294m/s²
Vibration 10~55Hz 98m/s²

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